Considering breast augmentation surgery but do not know much about the procedure? Keep reading to learn about the two main options for breast augmentation: breast implants and fat grafting.
One of the most common cosmetic procedures performed today is breast augmentation. Breast augmentation can be performed in two different ways: fat grafting or breast implants.
Women who want to change the appearance of their breasts must make many choices to get what they want. One of the most crucial choices is whether to opt for breast fat transfer or breast implants. Both breast implant and fat transfer options are excellent, but the procedure must be tailored to the individual's needs and body type.
गाइनेकोमेस्टिया को कैसे वर्गीकृत किया जाता है?
आरा एस्थेटिक्स, पुणे के डॉ. वसंत घोलवे, गाइनेकोमेस्टिया के विभिन्न ग्रेड और उन्हें यहां कैसे वर्गीकृत किया जाता है, इसका वर्णन करते हैं।
How is gynecomastia classified?
Dr. Vasant Gholave of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, describes the different grades of gynecomastia and how they are classified here.
Comparing Breast Implants And Fat Grafting
Breast augmentation with breast implants is often done with silicone or saline implants to increase breast size.
An incision is made in a location that helps minimize scarring, such as under the breast, under the armpit, or around the edge of the areola, and the soft implant is inserted. The incision is then sutured closed and allowed to heal.
Breast augmentation with fat grafting, on the other hand, is a special method that can increase breast size without using saline or silicone implants. When fat grafting is used to increase breast size, fat is first removed from a portion of the body using liposuction. Generally, fat from the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs is used. By injecting this fat into your breasts, the surgeon can enlarge them and fill in areas that may be uneven or curved.

Before & After Front View:
The patient's hairline had receded heavily. After the hair transplant surgery, the patient had a natural-looking hairline.

Before & After Side View:
The patient had thinning hair on the right side of his head. His hair was restored to full, thick coverage with no signs of balding or thinning after the hair transplant.
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How To Choose Between Liposuction & Tummy Tuck?
Dr. Vasant Gholave talks about the differences between the two procedures and which of the two procedures should be done.
How is breast augmentation performed at Arra Aesthetics, Pune?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, goes into detail about the steps involved in breast augmentation with implants and fat grafting here.
आरा एस्थेटिक्स, पुणे में स्तन वृद्धि कैसे की जाती है?
आरा एस्थेटिक्स, पुणे के निदेशक डॉ. वसंत घोलवे यहां प्रत्यारोपण और फैट ग्राफ्टिंग के साथ स्तन वृद्धि में शामिल चरणों के बारे में विस्तार से बता रहे हैं।
How Do I Know If I Have Gynecomastia?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, has listed the signs and symptoms of gynecomastia here.
मुझे कैसे पता चलेगा कि मुझे गाइनेकोमेस्टिया है?
Arra Aesthetics, पुणे के निदेशक डॉ. वसंत घोलवे ने यहां गाइनेकोमेस्टिया के लक्षणों और लक्षणों को सूचीबद्ध किया है।
How is PRP performed?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune describes the procedure of PRP treatment in detail here.
पीआरपी कैसे निष्पादित की जाती है?
Arra Aesthetics, पुणे के निदेशक डॉ. वसंत घोलवे यहां पीआरपी उपचार की प्रक्रिया का विस्तार से वर्णन करते हैं।
How is liposuction performed?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, describes the procedure of liposuction in detail here.
How Do I Know If I Have Gynecomastia?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, has listed the signs and symptoms of gynecomastia here.

Case 1 Before: Acne Treatment Front View

Case 1 After: Acne Treatment Front View

Case 1 Before: Acne Treatment Side View

Case 1 After: Acne Treatment Side View
Expected results:
Breast augmentation with breast implants not only increases breast size but also improves breast shape, symmetry, and projection. The effects of implants last 15 to 20 years. These implants usually do not need to be replaced unless symptoms of pain, discomfort, or hardness occur in the breast, or if they get ruptured in an accident.
Breast implants are a good option for women who are very thin or have a low body fat distribution (which precludes fat grafting).
For many people, the appeal of fat grafting is that it is more natural. Not only does this mean there are no foreign materials in the body, but it can also create a more natural-looking augmentation. It has two benefits - you get the breast enlargement you want and a contoured body by removing unwanted fat from another area of your body.
Since fat removal is determined by the availability of fat in the body, fat grafting breast augmentation is limited to certain sizes. Mostly small to moderate increases in cup size can be expected. However, many women are happy with a slight increase in volume and are satisfied with fat graft surgery.

Before: The patient had persistent acne all over her face, particularly on the cheeks and forehead.

After: The patient had persistent acne all over her face, particularly on the cheeks and forehead.
Who Is A Good Candidate For Gynecomastia Surgery?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, describes the ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery.
गाइनेकोमेस्टिया सर्जरी के लिए अच्छा उम्मीदवार कौन है?
Arra Aesthetics, पुणे के निदेशक डॉ. वसंत घोलवे, गाइनेकोमेस्टिया सर्जरी के लिए आदर्श उम्मीदवार का वर्णन करते हैं।
What Is The Cost Of Laser Hair Removal In Pune?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, discusses the factors that influence the cost of laser hair removal in Pune here.
Materials used:
Breast implants come in various sizes and can do everything from small natural enlargements to large increases in breast size.
There are two types of breast augmentation surgery implants: saline implants and silicone gel-filled implants.
The risk of side effects such as implant rupture, implant rupture, and capsular contracture is rare and can be treated with simple repeat surgery to replace the old implant with a new one.
Fat grafting uses your own body fat like from the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen to make your breasts bigger.
This is the safest and most natural filler material. This means there is no risk of allergic reactions as your own fat is used. It also makes your breasts look more natural.

Before: The patient had deep, dark acne scars dotting her chin.

After: The acne scars have completely disappeared, and her complexion looks brighter.

Transformation Achieved: From Bulging to a Flat, Well-Defined Tummy after Liposuction.
Tummy tuck results of other patients of Dr. Gholave

How to prepare for a tummy tuck?
Dr. Vasant Gholave has listed what the patient must do before tummy tuck surgery.
What Is The Cost Of Hair Loss Treatments In Pune?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, talks about the cost of hair loss treatments in Pune and the factors that influence the cost.
What are the benefits of beauty injections?
Read about the benefits of glutathione beauty injections in detail here.
While it takes time to recover from both procedures, it takes longer to recover after augmentation with breast implants compared to fat grafting. This is because implant surgery involves cutting and restructuring the chest muscle, while fat grafting only requires small incisions for liposuction and injections.
In both cases, returning to your daily routine and normal activities takes a few weeks.
Remember to follow all post-operative instructions carefully and attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to ensure optimal results and minimal complications.

Who Should Get A Tummy Tuck?
Dr. Vasant Gholave of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, talks about the ideal candidate for a tummy tuck here.
Who Should Avoid Getting A Tummy Tuck?
Dr. Vasant Gholave lists the factors that may disqualify someone from getting a tummy tuck here.
What Is The Cost Of Acne Treatments In Pune?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, discusses the cost of acne treatments in Pune and the factors that influence the cost here.
पुणे में मुँहासे उपचार की लागत क्या है?
आरा एस्थेटिक्स, पुणे के निदेशक डॉ. वसंत घोलवे, पुणे में मुँहासे उपचार की लागत और लागत को प्रभावित करने वाले कारकों पर चर्चा करते हैं।
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Breast implants produce a reliable and predictable size change. With implants, the consultation process involves decisions determining the procedure's outcome. Discuss with your surgeon the shape, size, and appearance of the implant, as well as the incision site and placement method.
Breast fat grafting allows even greater customization. It can address specific areas of the breasts, correct asymmetries, and smooth out bony imperfections in the chest wall. Stem cells that migrate with the fat also improve the quality and appearance of overlying skin. Breast fat grafting is the procedure for you if you want a small to moderate enhancement and want the results to feel and look natural.
The results from both procedures last a long time but get affected by factors like age, weight changes, and gravity.
Both procedures have risks and benefits that should be considered before making a decision. It is important to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to determine which option is best for you. Ultimately, the goal of breast augmentation surgery is to help patients feel confident and happy with their appearance.

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Take a look at how Dr. Gholave has helped patients
Take a look at how Dr. Gholave has helped patients
Dr. Vasant Gholave of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, is a Board-Certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in both breast augmentation procedures. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your options and create a personalized surgical plan.