What to Avoid for Smooth Skin After Laser Hair Removal

Ever dreamt of waking up with smooth, hair-free skin, waving goodbye to razors and wax strips? Well, buckle up because Dr. Vasant Gholave is about to take you on a ride into the world of laser hair removal – where science meets your skincare dreams! Get ready to bid farewell to the daily battle against unwanted hair and say hello to a smoother, more carefree you. Let's explore the secrets that lead to a lifetime of radiant, hair-free confidence!

Understanding Laser Hair Removal

In delving into the intricacies of laser hair removal, it is imperative to grasp the fundamental principles guiding this advanced cosmetic procedure.

Unraveling the Basics of Laser Removal Process:

At its essence, laser hair removal employs a precise and concentrated beam of light to target specific areas on the skin. The primary objective? Addressing unwanted hair follicles with unparalleled accuracy.

The Mechanism Behind Laser Hair Removal:

The scientific mechanism driving this process is rooted in the laser's ability to selectively target the melanin pigment within the hair follicles. The subsequent application of intense heat impairs the follicle, arresting its capacity for further hair growth. Precision, a cornerstone of this procedure, ensures efficacy.

गाइनेकोमेस्टिया को कैसे वर्गीकृत किया जाता है?

आरा एस्थेटिक्स, पुणे के डॉ. वसंत घोलवे, गाइनेकोमेस्टिया के विभिन्न ग्रेड और उन्हें यहां कैसे वर्गीकृत किया जाता है, इसका वर्णन करते हैं।

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How is gynecomastia classified?

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The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal Unveiled:

Understanding the merits of laser hair removal underscores its significance in the realm of dermatology and cosmetic procedures.

  • Precision: Notably, laser hair removal stands out for its precision, akin to a surgical instrument. The capacity to singularly target hair follicles minimises collateral impact, ensuring a focused and effective treatment.
  • Minimal Discomfort: Contrary to common misconceptions, laser hair removal is associated with minimal discomfort. Patients typically report a sensation akin to a brief pinch, establishing it as a well-tolerated procedure.
  • Long-Lasting Results: Perhaps most compellingly, laser hair removal offers enduring results. The reduction or elimination of unwanted hair is sustained over the long term, relieving individuals from the repetitive demands of conventional hair removal methods.


Before & After Front View:
The patient's hairline had receded heavily. After the hair transplant surgery,  the patient had a natural-looking hairline.


Before & After Side View:
The patient had thinning hair on the right side of his head. His hair was restored to full, thick coverage with no signs of balding or thinning after the hair transplant.

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How Do I Know If I Have Gynecomastia?

Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, has listed the signs and symptoms of gynecomastia here.

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Case 1 Before: Acne Treatment Front View


Case 1 After: Acne Treatment Front View


Case 1 Before: Acne Treatment Side View


Case 1 After: Acne Treatment Side View

Acne treatment before/after results using RecoSMA laser

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Different Skin Types and Their Sensitivities

Understanding your skin is like deciphering a unique code – each type has its language, and decoding it is the key to unlocking the best care. Let's take a quick tour of the different skin types – sensitive, oily, and dry – and unravel their distinctive characteristics.

Sensitive Skin:

Sensitive skin, the delicate flower of the skin world. Prone to redness, itching, or reactions, it requires a gentle touch. Sensitive skin often reacts to environmental factors, fragrances, or harsh products.

Oily Skin:

Oily skin, the overachiever in the sebum production department. It tends to shine bright like a diamond – not necessarily in a good way. Enlarged pores and a predisposition to acne are common traits.

Dry Skin:

Dry skin, the parched wanderer in the skin landscape. It craves hydration and can be prone to flakiness and tightness. Harsh weather and certain products can exacerbate its dry tendencies. Now, here's the plot twist – each skin type is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. This is where personalized care steps into the spotlight.

Emphasizing the Need for Personalized Care:

Think of it as a skincare love story – your skin deserves a tailored approach. Sensitive skin demands gentle, fragrance-free products to prevent irritation. Oily skin benefits from oil-free, non-comedogenic formulations to keep things balanced. Dry skin, on the other hand, craves rich moisturizers with hydrating ingredients.

Post-Treatment Care Guidelines

Now that you've taken the plunge into the world of laser hair removal, it's time to talk aftercare – the secret sauce to ensuring your skin stays smooth and radiant. Let's map out the journey with a general overview of post-laser hair removal care and then unveil the personalized guidelines crafted by none other than Dr. Vasant Gholave himself.

General Overview of Post-Laser Hair Removal Care:

Gentle Cleansing: Treat your skin like royalty by cleansing it gently. Opt for a mild, fragrance-free cleanser to avoid irritation. Pat, don't rub, your skin dry – it's delicate post-laser.

Sunscreen is Your BFF: The sun can be a bit much for your freshly treated skin. Slather on SPF 30 or higher, and reapply diligently, especially if you're out and about. Think of sunscreen as your shield against unwanted sun drama.

Skip the Gym (for Now): Hold off on those intense workouts. Sweating and rigorous physical activity might not be the best buddies for your post-laser skin. Give it some time to relax.

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration: Water, the elixir of life, is your skin's best friend. Stay well-hydrated to support the healing process post-treatment.Now, let's turn the spotlight on Dr. Gholave's personalized guidelines, because, let's face it, not all aftercare is created equal.Dr. Gholave's Personalized Guidelines for Aftercare:Listen to Your Skin: Your skin has a language of its own. If it's feeling a bit extra – be it redness, swelling, or any discomfort – don't ignore it. Listen, and if things persist, contact a doctor.

Avoid the Heat: Steer clear of hot showers, saunas, and steamy baths for a while. Your post-laser skin prefers cool and calm.

Moisturize Like It's Your Job: Hydration is the name of the game. Dr. Gholave recommends gentle moisturizers, perhaps with hyaluronic acid or ceramides, to moisturise your skin.

No Love for Harsh Chemicals: Hold off on harsh chemicals, retinoids, and fragranced products. Your skin is on a healing journey – let's not throw any unnecessary hurdles its way.These guidelines are not just skincare rules – they're your roadmap to ensuring the best outcomes post-laser hair removal. Adhering to them is like giving your skin a VIP treatment, and who doesn't want that?


Before: The patient had persistent acne all over her face, particularly on the cheeks and forehead.


After: The patient had persistent acne all over her face, particularly on the cheeks and forehead.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Gynecomastia Surgery?

Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, describes the ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery.

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गाइनेकोमेस्टिया सर्जरी के लिए अच्छा उम्मीदवार कौन है?

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What Is The Cost Of Laser Hair Removal In Pune?

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Unveil Your Smooth Skin Journey

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What to Avoid After Laser Hair Removal?

After your laser hair removal session, it's crucial to avoid pitfalls that could compromise the results. Let's dive into common mistakes, focusing on specific precautions for different skin types – sensitive, oily, and dry.


Before: The patient had deep, dark acne scars dotting her chin.


After: The acne scars have completely disappeared, and her complexion looks brighter.


Transformation Achieved: From Bulging to a Flat, Well-Defined Tummy after Liposuction.

Tummy tuck results of other patients of Dr. Gholave

Case 1: abdominoplasty - Front view (Before)
Case 1: abdominoplasty - Front view (After)
Case 1: abdominoplasty - Left Side view (Before)
Case 1: abdominoplasty - Left Side view (After)
Case 1: abdominoplasty - Right Side view (Before)
Case 1: abdominoplasty - Right Side view (After)
Case 2: abdominoplasty - Front view

What are the benefits of beauty injections?

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Common Mistakes Post-Laser Hair Removal:

Overexposing to Sunlight:

  • Mistake: Basking in the sun too soon after treatment.
  • Consequence: Increased risk of hyperpigmentation and irritation.

Harsh Chemical Intrusion:

  • Mistake: Recklessly using products with harsh chemicals.
  • Consequence: Aggravation of treated skin, potentially leading to complications.

Neglecting Moisturization:

  • Mistake: Skipping the post-treatment moisturization routine.
  • Consequence: Prolonged healing, dryness, and potential discomfort.

Tight and Uncomfortable Clothing:

  • Mistake: Opting for tight or abrasive clothing.
  • Consequence: Increased irritation, and potential complications in the healing process.

Now, let's zoom in on the specifics, addressing each concern tailored to sensitive, oily, and dry skin.


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Take a look at how Dr. Gholave has  helped patients

Case 1: acne treatment - Front view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Front view (After)
Case 1: acne treatment - Right Side view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Right Side view (After)
Case 1: acne treatment - Left Side view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Left Side view (After)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view (Before)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view (After)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view (Before)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view (After)
Case 3: acne Scar treatment - Front view(Before)
Case 3: acne Scar treatment - Front view(Before)
Case 4: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view
Case 4: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view
Case4: acne Scar treatment - Front view

Take a look at how Dr. Gholave has  helped patients

Case 1: acne treatment - Front view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Front view (After)
Case 1: acne treatment - Right Side view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Right Side view (After)
Case 1: acne treatment - Left Side view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Left Side view (After)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view (Before)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view (After)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view (Before)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view (After)
Case 3: acne Scar treatment - Front view(Before)
Case 3: acne Scar treatment - Front view(Before)
Case 4: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view
Case 4: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view
Case4: acne Scar treatment - Front view

Specific Concerns Tailored to Each Skin Type

Avoiding Sun Exposure

Impact of Sun Exposure:

Direct sunlight post-laser can be a bit like adding fuel to the fire. It heightens the risk of hyperpigmentation and irritation, undoing the benefits of the procedure.

Recommendations for Each Skin Type:

  • Sensitive Skin: SPF 30 or higher, seeking shade during peak hours, and donning protective clothing.
  • Oily Skin: Oil-free, non-comedogenic sunscreen to prevent clogging, with additional emphasis on hat and clothing protection.
  • Dry Skin: Moisturize with SPF, ensuring extra hydration to counter dryness post-laser.

Harsh Chemicals

Impact of Harsh Chemicals:

Post-laser, your skin is in recovery mode. Harsh chemicals can disrupt this process, causing irritation and discomfort.

Recommendations for Each Skin Type:

  • Sensitive Skin: Stick to fragrance-free, gentle products to avoid triggering sensitivity.
  • Oily Skin: Opt for oil-free, non-irritating formulations, steering clear of products with excessive chemicals.
  • Dry Skin: Choose moisturizers with soothing ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile, avoiding harsh additives.


Importance of Moisturization:

Moisturizing is your skin's best friend post-laser. It aids in healing, prevents dryness, and ensures a smooth recovery.

Moisturization Tips for Each Skin Type:

  • Sensitive Skin: Fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizers to soothe and hydrate.
  • Oily Skin: Lightweight, oil-free moisturizers to balance hydration without clogging pores.
  • Dry Skin:  Rich, hydrating moisturisers with ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides for deep nourishment.

Clothing Choices Matter

Significance of Clothing Choices:

Wearing tight or abrasive clothing can rub your post-laser skin the wrong way, causing irritation and potential complications.

Suggestions for Each Skin Type:

  • Sensitive Skin: Loose, breathable fabrics to minimize friction and irritation.
  • Oily Skin: Opt for moisture-wicking materials to keep the skin cool and comfortable.
  • Dry Skin: Soft, non-abrasive fabrics to prevent further dryness and discomfort.

Navigating post-laser care with these personalized precautions ensures your skin gets the pampering it deserves. Remember, your skin is unique – let your aftercare routine reflect that!

Conclusion: A Tailored Path to Radiance

In the pursuit of smooth, hair-free skin, our exploration has uncovered the crucial role of tailored post-laser hair removal care, with a keen focus on individual skin types. Whether your skin leans towards sensitivity, oiliness, or dryness, understanding its unique language becomes the compass for optimal results.

 Dr. Vasant Gholave's expertise shines through in personalized guidelines that transcend a one-size-fits-all approach. Each nugget of advice is crafted to not only address common pitfalls but to transform the post-laser journey into a personalized, transformative experience. 

As we bid adieu, remember, that the key to unlocking radiant skin is in the details. So, consult with Dr. Gholave, let your skin's story unfold, and revel in the ongoing celebration of your unique beauty. Here's to the radiant, confident you!


Check out our before afters and see the amazing results we have achieved for our patients!

Case 1: Hair loss treatment - top view (Front)
Case 1: Hair loss treatment - top view (Back)
Case 2: Hair loss treatment - top view (Front)
Case 2: Hair loss treatment - top view (Back)

See what our patients  have to say about us:


I was taking treatment for Acne scars and I got really Good And expected results with recosma Laser. Dr Gholve sir has good experience and His results are really great.

- siddhant Dolas
September 21, 2020
View all reviews

I have started with acne treatment at Arra Aesthetic pune . During consultation  doctor suggest me to combine for RecoSMA laser and  Acne peel for better improvement. Doctor explained me treatment procedure as well as pre and post care . I find very good results with my desired way .

- Mansi Salunke
March 8, 2020
View all reviews

Wonderful experience, Skilled surgeon, and the staff was always helpful and kind. Highly recommend to everyone.

JANUARY 16, 2022
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One of the best cosmetic centre in pune. Dr vasant is very professional soft spoken and skilled surgeon. Highly recommend for cosmetic problems

OCTOBER 17, 2020
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A great experience and good results! Staff is cooperative and enhanced facilities! Dr. Gholave is very well versed with his knowledge!

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All cosmetic solutions under one roof. Eminent surgeon Dr Vasant Gholve well trained and with all advanced equipments.

AUGUST 22, 2019
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See what our patients  have to say about us:


I was taking treatment for Acne scars and I got really Good And expected results with recosma Laser. Dr Gholve sir has good experience and His results are really great.

- siddhant Dolas
September 21, 2020
View all reviews

I have started with acne treatment at Arra Aesthetic pune . During consultation  doctor suggest me to combine for RecoSMA laser and  Acne peel for better improvement. Doctor explained me treatment procedure as well as pre and post care . I find very good results with my desired way .

- Mansi Salunke
March 8, 2020
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Wonderful experience, Skilled surgeon, and the staff was always helpful and kind. Highly recommend to everyone.

JANUARY 16, 2022
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One of the best cosmetic centre in pune. Dr vasant is very professional soft spoken and skilled surgeon. Highly recommend for cosmetic problems

OCTOBER 17, 2020
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A great experience and good results! Staff is cooperative and enhanced facilities! Dr. Gholave is very well versed with his knowledge!

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All cosmetic solutions under one roof. Eminent surgeon Dr Vasant Gholve well trained and with all advanced equipments.

AUGUST 22, 2019
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Take a look at how Dr. Gholave has  helped patients

Case 1: acne treatment - Front view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Front view (After)
Case 1: acne treatment - Right Side view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Right Side view (After)
Case 1: acne treatment - Left Side view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Left Side view (After)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view (Before)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view (After)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view (Before)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view (After)
Case 3: acne Scar treatment - Front view(Before)
Case 3: acne Scar treatment - Front view(Before)
Case 4: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view
Case 4: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view
Case4: acne Scar treatment - Front view

Take a look at how Dr. Gholave has  helped patients

Case 1: acne treatment - Front view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Front view (After)
Case 1: acne treatment - Right Side view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Right Side view (After)
Case 1: acne treatment - Left Side view (Before)
Case 1: acne treatment - Left Side view (After)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view (Before)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view (After)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view (Before)
Case 2: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view (After)
Case 3: acne Scar treatment - Front view(Before)
Case 3: acne Scar treatment - Front view(Before)
Case 4: acne Scar treatment - Right Side view
Case 4: acne Scar treatment - Left Side view
Case4: acne Scar treatment - Front view

See what our patients  have to say about us:


I consulted Dr vasant Gholave for Gynecomastia.He explained me the different techniques of gynecomastia surgery.I underwent gynecomastia surgery 3 months backs.I am happy with gynecomastia surgery results.The Hospital setup is good.staff is helpful.I recommend Dr vasant Gholave sir and Arra Aesthetics for best gynecomastia surgery results. Thank you very much sir and Arra Aesthetics.

nitin solanke
nitin solanke
January 20, 2022
View all reviews

See what our patients  have to say about us:


I consulted Dr vasant Gholave for Gynecomastia.He explained me the different techniques of gynecomastia surgery.I underwent gynecomastia surgery 3 months backs.I am happy with gynecomastia surgery results.The Hospital setup is good.staff is helpful.I recommend Dr vasant Gholave sir and Arra Aesthetics for best gynecomastia surgery results. Thank you very much sir and Arra Aesthetics.

nitin solanke
nitin solanke
January 20, 2022
View all reviews

See what our patients  have to say about us:


I consulted Dr vasant Gholave for Gynecomastia.He explained me the different techniques of gynecomastia surgery.I underwent gynecomastia surgery 3 months backs.I am happy with gynecomastia surgery results.The Hospital setup is good.staff is helpful.I recommend Dr vasant Gholave sir and Arra Aesthetics for best gynecomastia surgery results. Thank you very much sir and Arra Aesthetics.

nitin solanke
nitin solanke
January 20, 2022
View all reviews

Take a look at how Dr. Gholave has  helped patients with Liposuction:

Case 1: Liposuction - Front view
Case 1: Liposuction - Left Side view
Case 1: Liposuction - Left Side view
Case 1: Liposuction - Right Side view

Take a look at how Dr. Gholave has  helped patients with gynecomastia:

Case 1: gynecomastia - Front view (Before)
Case 1: gynecomastia - Front view (After)
Case 1: gynecomastia - Left Side view
Case 1: gynecomastia - Right Side view
Case 2: gynecomastia - Front view (Before)
Case 2: gynecomastia - Front view (After)
Case 2: gynecomastia - Left Side view
Case 2: gynecomastia - Right Side view
Case 3: gynecomastia - Front view (Before)
Case 3: gynecomastia - Front view (After)
Case 3: gynecomastia - Left Side view
Case 3: gynecomastia - Right Side view
Case 4: gynecomastia - Front view (Before)
Case 4: gynecomastia - Front view (After)
Case 4: gynecomastia - Left Side view
Case 4: gynecomastia - Right Side view

About Author

Meet the doctor


Dr. Vasant Gholave is an immensely skilled Plastic Surgeon, Hair Transplant Surgeon, and Cosmetic surgeon in Pune. After a strong experience of 21 years, he came up with a cosmetic surgery and cosmetology treatment solution, “Arra Aesthetics”, which not only has the latest technology and treatments but also state-of-the-art infrastructure under one roof. Dr. Vasant always strives for the best results and has the zeal to continuously improve and innovate in his practice of cosmetic and laser surgery.

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December 17, 2023
लिपोसक्शन: मिथक और तथ्य!

आपके शरीर के विभिन्न हिस्सों के लिए कई अलग-अलग प्रकार की कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी होती हैं, जिनमें आक्रामक और न्यूनतम इनवेसिव सर्जरी शामिल हैं। पुणे में सबसे आम कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी में से एक लिपोसक्शन है, जिसमें शरीर के किसी हिस्से या हिस्सों से अतिरिक्त वसा को बाहर निकाला जाता है।

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हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट से जुड़े 7 आम मिथक दूर हुए
December 12, 2023
हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट से जुड़े 7 आम मिथक दूर हुए

नमस्कार, प्रिय पाठकों! मैं डॉ. वसंत घोलवे हूं और आज, मैं आपको हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के बारे में सच्चाई उजागर करने के लिए एक ज्ञानवर्धक यात्रा पर ले जाने वाला हूं। आइए थोड़ी हंसी के साथ बात शुरू करें।

इसे चित्रित करें: एक सज्जन ऐसी टोपी पहनकर मेरे क्लिनिक में आते हैं जो किसी भी बॉलीवुड सुपरस्टार की सहायक वस्तु को टक्कर दे सकती है। वह रहस्य की हवा के साथ अंदर चला गया, और एक पल के लिए, मुझे लगा कि मैं नवीनतम रॉक सनसनी से मिलने वाला हूं। जैसे ही उसने अपनी टोपी उतारी, उसने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा, "डॉक्टर, मेरी 'वन-हिट वंडर विग' आखिरकार सफल हो गई है!"

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