Younger skin is what we all want at some point. It makes us feel confident about ourselves and gives us a different perspective as well. Well, the medical procedures to get younger skin can have certain side effects. That makes us question our willingness for it, right? However, it doesn’t have to be like this, not anymore at least. Effective cold laser therapy has recently been developed which has minimal side effects and causes no complications in the long run. Could there be any anxious thoughts to beat that?!
RecoSMA Laser Therapy:
Laser therapy for treating skin is quite common. RecoSMA laser therapy is a revolutionary method in laser treatment introduced to derma medicine. It is the world’s first “cold” laser that has several benefits. RecoSMA maintains the patient’s body temperature on the inside and outside as well. This makes sure that there are no complications caused due to burns. And therefore, no side effects.
RecoSMA is the latest technology in which laser rays are extremely thin, thinner than human hair. This ensures that the treatment is being done with maximum accuracy and precision. Treating any skin diseases or enhancing the nature of skin with RecoSMA will leave no scars. The procedure is painless even and does not mess with the natural skin pigmentation. After the treatment, the skin will look new and leave no mark of the procedure. The skin will then look younger than before.
Some skin diseases can be pretty difficult to treat. There are ointments and oral medicines that can help control the spreading or cause, but these are only limited options in the long run. Normal laser therapy can cause infections or other kinds of side effects to the skin at deeper levels. Therefore, to eradicate the risk of infection and the possibility of the side effects, RecoSMA laser therapy has been incorporated.
Characteristics Of RecoSMA:
There are certain characteristics of the RecoSMA laser that makes it unique. Some of the most common and important features are given as follows:
- It boosts the metabolism of the skin as well as the microcirculation as a reaction to microtrauma.
- The process of regeneration is accelerated as there is proper nutrition reaching skin cells.
- Activation of the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers takes place tightening the skin.
- It is a quick and painless medical procedure that can be done without anesthesia.
- The RecoSMA laser causes no damage to the epidermis, a layer of skin, and does not alter any active functioning of the skin.
- This treatment has a lifting effect which makes the skin look younger
- There are no restrictions to sun exposure, you can absorb as much sun as you need.
- Recovery is quick and you can get back to normal life within 3 to 4 days maximum.
- The therapy is applicable for all body parts, including the fragile, delicate, and sensitive skin around the eyes and eyelids.
- It maintains the skin temperature and the body temperature.
- It is applicable for scars, wrinkles, stretch marks, wounds, anti-aging, and other skin-related issues.
How Does It Work?
This is a simple procedure, for which no special preparation is required. The RecoSMA laser acts gently with its fine lasers on the microzones that are even smaller than a human cell and therefore invisible to the naked eye. The skin goes through a normal procedure that is easily taken by the sensitive cells allowing the least trauma to the skin. It also holds back the protective function of the skin to limit the possible complications.
In response to the RecoSMA laser, the body addresses itself at the cellular level with much precision, and the memory is preserved in DNA. This will force the skin that has been marked by years of life and unfavorable treatments, to rejuvenate itself. The skin is then restored to its healthy state, minimizing the wrinkles and scars and now the rejuvenation procedure is complete.
After the procedure, the skin begins to peel intensely exposing the dead skin and revealing young and pinkish skin from the inner layers, and this continues for one to two weeks. The effect of skin rejuvenation can then be seen at work in the first couple of weeks or more. Normally, just one session is enough to see a visible change. If there is more damaged skin, which is never or rarely benefited from skincare, multiple sessions are needed.
Skin Rejuvenation At Arra Aesthetics:
Arra Aesthetics is a known cosmetic surgery clinic in Pune. We at Arra have the latest technology for RecoSMA laser therapy and we are the only one to offer the service in Pune effectively. Our specialist, Dr. Vasant Gholave is an expert in the area of cosmetic procedures and is also one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Pune. He has helped several candidates to achieve younger skin effectively with the latest RecoSMA laser therapy. Visit us today and wait not for getting younger skin.
गाइनेकोमेस्टिया को कैसे वर्गीकृत किया जाता है?
आरा एस्थेटिक्स, पुणे के डॉ. वसंत घोलवे, गाइनेकोमेस्टिया के विभिन्न ग्रेड और उन्हें यहां कैसे वर्गीकृत किया जाता है, इसका वर्णन करते हैं।
How is gynecomastia classified?
Dr. Vasant Gholave of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, describes the different grades of gynecomastia and how they are classified here.

Before & After Front View:
The patient's hairline had receded heavily. After the hair transplant surgery, the patient had a natural-looking hairline.

Before & After Side View:
The patient had thinning hair on the right side of his head. His hair was restored to full, thick coverage with no signs of balding or thinning after the hair transplant.
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आरा एस्थेटिक्स, पुणे में स्तन वृद्धि कैसे की जाती है?
आरा एस्थेटिक्स, पुणे के निदेशक डॉ. वसंत घोलवे यहां प्रत्यारोपण और फैट ग्राफ्टिंग के साथ स्तन वृद्धि में शामिल चरणों के बारे में विस्तार से बता रहे हैं।
How Do I Know If I Have Gynecomastia?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, has listed the signs and symptoms of gynecomastia here.
मुझे कैसे पता चलेगा कि मुझे गाइनेकोमेस्टिया है?
Arra Aesthetics, पुणे के निदेशक डॉ. वसंत घोलवे ने यहां गाइनेकोमेस्टिया के लक्षणों और लक्षणों को सूचीबद्ध किया है।
How is PRP performed?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune describes the procedure of PRP treatment in detail here.
पीआरपी कैसे निष्पादित की जाती है?
Arra Aesthetics, पुणे के निदेशक डॉ. वसंत घोलवे यहां पीआरपी उपचार की प्रक्रिया का विस्तार से वर्णन करते हैं।
How is liposuction performed?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, describes the procedure of liposuction in detail here.
How Do I Know If I Have Gynecomastia?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, has listed the signs and symptoms of gynecomastia here.

Case 1 Before: Acne Treatment Front View

Case 1 After: Acne Treatment Front View

Case 1 Before: Acne Treatment Side View

Case 1 After: Acne Treatment Side View

Before: The patient had persistent acne all over her face, particularly on the cheeks and forehead.

After: The patient had persistent acne all over her face, particularly on the cheeks and forehead.
Who Is A Good Candidate For Gynecomastia Surgery?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, describes the ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery.
गाइनेकोमेस्टिया सर्जरी के लिए अच्छा उम्मीदवार कौन है?
Arra Aesthetics, पुणे के निदेशक डॉ. वसंत घोलवे, गाइनेकोमेस्टिया सर्जरी के लिए आदर्श उम्मीदवार का वर्णन करते हैं।
What Is The Cost Of Laser Hair Removal In Pune?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, discusses the factors that influence the cost of laser hair removal in Pune here.

Before: The patient had deep, dark acne scars dotting her chin.

After: The acne scars have completely disappeared, and her complexion looks brighter.

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Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, talks about the cost of hair loss treatments in Pune and the factors that influence the cost.
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Read about the benefits of glutathione beauty injections in detail here.

Who Should Get A Tummy Tuck?
Dr. Vasant Gholave of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, talks about the ideal candidate for a tummy tuck here.
Who Should Avoid Getting A Tummy Tuck?
Dr. Vasant Gholave lists the factors that may disqualify someone from getting a tummy tuck here.
What Is The Cost Of Acne Treatments In Pune?
Dr. Vasant Gholave, Director of Arra Aesthetics, Pune, discusses the cost of acne treatments in Pune and the factors that influence the cost here.
पुणे में मुँहासे उपचार की लागत क्या है?
आरा एस्थेटिक्स, पुणे के निदेशक डॉ. वसंत घोलवे, पुणे में मुँहासे उपचार की लागत और लागत को प्रभावित करने वाले कारकों पर चर्चा करते हैं।
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